It's amazing what a little cool weather can do for people's spirits. We are no longer holed up in air conditioned building, hiding from the heat. The neighborhood and parks are teeming with kids and families enjoying the fresh air; couples are strolling through shops out and about; and the beloved pets also get more opportunities to get out of the house!
One of the greatest things about the cooling of the seasons is that weddings are abound! A wonderful friend of ours held a lovely ceremony last weekend (congrats!!) and the bond between them was just infectious. I was not their photographer. For the first time in a long time, I was simply a guest. My kids were lucky enough to be asked to be the ring bearer and flower girl. I didn't take very many pictures (I had my hands full handling my tired littlest one and also didn't want to insult the hired photographer in any way); but I couldn't resist taking a few snaps early in the evening. Enjoy.
The beautiful bride |
The sweet & shy flower girl |
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