Miltary Family Day

Wednesday, December 11, 2013
My husband is in the military. He has been deployed a couple times. We have a young family and it was tough for him to be away from our family for a weekend, let alone years. I'm grateful for every day that we are together. A lot of people understand this, and it's heartwarming how often people come up to us and thank him for his service.

Knowing how hard it is to be part of the military, I donate various services year-round -- sewing patches on their uniforms, making lunches my husband shares with his office, helping with fundraisers, free photo sessions for deploying/deployed families, and just this weekend, taking holiday portraits during family day.

The FRG ladies (Family Readiness Group) put in so much time and effort into family day, a wonderful event to get the families together and show them how much they are appreciated. Even Santa was nice enough stop by and bring some holiday cheer.

Some families (like most families) hadn't taken a family portrait in years and asked for shots with and without Santa. I created a simple, kid-friendly set-up that says "Holiday" without screaming it. Here are some of the happy faces who stopped by for some snaps (including test shots of my own little ones. Yes, I am biased). I love how a simple photo can warm hearts and bring out such lovely smiles.

Happy Holidays

SimplyMui Photography